

As I wrote in my first post, I intend to use this space, this place, as my core personal presence on the web; to write about whatever comes to my attention that I deem worthy to share here.

And to note, at this nascent stage,  that I have not yet enabled the comments functionality cuz I first want to ‘find my feet’ and get comfortable with the technical underpinnings. In a little while, I will very much look forward to receiving your feedback.

So, apart from this blog serving (pardon the pun) as a platform for content curation — for publishing interesting links with descriptions about my own myriad interests — I will be creating a specific category named devJournal to write about, and to track by means of an open journal, my first focused Internet project, which I am currently building side-by-side with this blog.

Since finishing what was my last ‘mission’ as an international humanitarian aid worker — I’m ahead of myself here; I will be preparing a backgrounder About page that describes my previous life; but today is my charter day as a blogger and I’m keen to post my first entries — so since finishing that last contract, I have been on this sabbatical in Goa, India, doing a deep dive (on the Internet as well as in the ocean, ha ha) into the realm of project possibilities based on web opportunities.

And there are many such opportunities indeed! I must admit that the net (yes, another pun) got spread very wide as I cast about seeking what would resonate with me. There is so much hype and so many grand fortune-making promises out there. I found myself falling down several rabbit holes before coming up for air.

But now, after many twists and turns, I am breathing the fresh, clean air blown in from the ocean. In the devJournal posts to come, I will begin to describe that project, and I’ll also launch it from this blog when its ready for prime time…




This blog has taken a long time to arrive here. A lot of thought (probably too much thinking!) about the why and the what for doing this.

WordPress makes it relatively easy to set this up. All the blogging advice (and blogging how-to is a burgeoning industry in its own right) says that you gotta have a particular topic to attract a readership. The buzzword is “authority.” And as the web techies know, Google has developed the means to establish technical authorship so that – if you do it right – your name and photo appears in the search results based on the keywords closest to you.

To thrive on the interweb, its a miasma of keywords, back links and guest posts.

Hmmmm. Wonder if keyword copywriting for epitaphs is a niche opportunity for establishing cybernetic eternity…

So anyway, fool that I am, I am plunging into this blogosphere against the popular wisdom. Inspired by the James Altucher approach to just put oneself out there as one is. Not exactly naked, but at least as honest as one can be.

By the way, I look forward to name-dropping the good folk I happen upon here in cyberspace who are influencing my own sense of Internet identity. This global, virtual town square called the Internet — where great thinkers, profound  wisdom, and a good dollop of the inane to balance things out — is truly a great wonder of our time.

And with the launch today of this blog, I now formally and officially make a commitment to best effort in creating some value for you who choose to invest your own precious time in reading these musings…..